Different planet's Different weight!Discussion with Raktim

  Different planets have different weights of us!

By Raktim Bar

Have you ever thought why do we weight different on other planets ? What makes us feel more or less weight on different planets.

Before getting into answer It’s important to understand the difference between weight and mass. We often use the terms “mass” and “weight” interchangeably in our daily speech, but to an astronomer or a physicist, they are completely different things.

The mass of a body is a measure of how much matter it contains. Your Mass does not change with planets. If you land on the moon there will be no change in your size and shape. That means you mass is constant and will remain the same.

Your weight on any planets is a result of your mass, the strength of gravity on the planet and the distance you are from the center of the planet.


The weight of an object is defined as the force of gravity on the object and may be calculated as the mass times the accelaration of gravity w = mg. Since the weight is a force, its SI unit is the newton.

For an object in free fall, so that gravity is the only force acting on it, then the expression for weight follows from newton's Second Law

You might well ask, as many do, "Why do you multiply the mass times the freefall acceleration of gravity when the mass is sitting at rest on the table?". The value of g allows you to determine the net gravity force if it were in freefall, and that net gravity force is the weight. Another approach is to consider "g" to be the measure of the intensity of the gravity field in Newtons/kg at your location. You can view the weight as a measure of the mass in kg times the intensity of the gravity field, 9.8 Newtons/kg under standard conditions.


Why do scientists usually talk about mass rather than weight?

An object's weight is dependent on its mass and how strongly gravity pulls on it. The strength of gravity depends on how far away one object is from another. That’s why the same object weighs different amounts on different planets. It’s sometimes easier to compare planets using a measurement that isn’t quite so complicated. That’s why scientists and engineers often measure an object’s mass—how much matter the object contains—rather than its weight.

Mass stays the same regardless of location and gravity. You would have the same mass on Mars or Jupiter as you do here on Earth.



The gravitational pull of the earth is an attraction the earth exerts on an object or the object exerts on the earth. It is proportional to the product of the masses of the earth and the object and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the object and the earth's center.

Reason Explanation

Weight is the force gravity exerts on an object due to its mass. Mass, roughly, measures an object's inertia, its resistance to being moved or stopped, once it's in motion. Your mass remains constant across the universe (except in certain cases discussed in special relativity but that is another story), while your weight changes depending on the gravitational forces acting on you, which vary from planet to planet.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation says that everything that has mass attracts every other thing that has mass, pulling with a force (a) directly proportional to the product of the two objects' masses and (b) inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating their centers.

In other words, although gravity increases linearly as objects grow more massive, it decreases exponentially as the distance between them increases (a phenomenon known as an inverse-square law). When calculating surface gravity, that distance refers to the space separating you (on the surface) from the planet's center of mass. This means that a planet's size actually has a greater relative impact on its gravity and on your weight on its surface than does its mass.

Written as a formula, Newton's gravitation law looks something like this:

F = G((Mm)/r^2)


·         F is the gravitational force between two objects,

·         G is the Gravitational Constant (6.674×10-11 Newtons x meters2 / kilograms2),

·         M is the planet's mass (kg),

·         m is your mass (kg), and

·         r is the distance (m) between the centers of the two masses (the planet's radius).

·         a 1 AU (or Astronomical Unit) = 149,600,000 km and is the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun
b 1 Earth Mass = 5,980,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
c 1 g = 9.8 m/s2

Without getting too bogged down in the math, we can see that this leads to a surprising result. Take the most massive planet in the solar system,jupiter which tips the scale at 316 times the mass of the Earth. You might imagine you would weigh 316 times as much there as here. However, because Jupiter's radius balloons to roughly 11 times as large as Earth's, its gravitational force drops off by a factor of 1/112 at its surface (assuming you could find a way to stand on gas clouds).

However, that does not mean that the proportion of Jupiter's gravity to Earth's is 316 / 112. To calculate the ratio between Earth's surface gravity and that of any other celestial body, you must compute them separately using the formula above, and then divide the desired planet's gravitational force by Earth's. We will spare you the work:

·         Mercury: 0.38

·         Venus: 0.91

·         Earth: 1.00

·         Mars: 0.38

·         Jupiter: 2.34

·         Saturn: 1.06

·         Uranus: 0.92

·         Neptune: 1.19

·         Pluto: 0.06

Because weight = mass x surface gravity, multiplying your weight on Earth by the numbers above will give you your weight on the surface of each planet. If you weigh 150 pounds (68 kg.) on Earth, you would weigh 351 lbs. (159 kg.) on Jupiter, 57 lbs. (26 kg.) on Mars and a mere 9 lbs. (4 kg.) on the dwarf planet of Pluto.

Note that Mercury and Mars have the same proportional gravity, even though Mars is almost twice as massive as Mercury. Mars' superior size, 1.4 times the diameter of Mercury, trumps the effect of its extra mass because of the inverse-square relationship between gravity and distance.

Uranus and Venus present an even more striking example of this phenomenon: Although Uranus lugs around 17.8 times the mass of Venus, its 4.2- times-larger diameter still negates the difference in proportional surface gravity.

We calculate weight by multiplying mass by the gravity on the surface of the planet.

Weight = Mass x Surface Gravity

So, if you know your weight on Earth and the surface gravity on Earth, you can calculate your mass. You can then calculate your weight on any other planet by using the surface gravity of that planet in the same equation.

You can work it out for yourself using the surface gravity values in the following planetary data sheet. You can then check your answers using the Weight Calculator.(In the footer portion of the article NASA JPL gave a datasheet).

Now Calculate your Weight on other planets's:Calculate your weight Click Here

Conclusion: In the light of the above discussion,I already discussed all about the topic,Now calculate your weight on other planet's of this Universe to click the above link(which is highlighted in blue colour).Notonly Weight calcultaing is the purpose of ourself Butalso We should have to know the reason of this Scientifical Fact.I got help From NASA/JPL,Brainstormingbox,Wikipedia,Spaceplace,Monoa Hawaii,Exploratorium,and Atlast from my knowledge.Thank you For read this Article.



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